07 October 2007

Linux vs. Windows - TCO Comparison


One compares the TCO difference between Standard Linux (namely the one that isn't acquired with a prepaid
support contract) and Microsoft's platform. The second compares Red Hat's managed Enterprise Linux and Microsoft's platform. Both models include costings for deployment on either a site's existing equipment or through a complete hardware refresh.

Windows Platform Solution
For our Windows platform solution, we have selected the following operating systems, backoffice technologies and office productivity tools.

Linux Platform Standard Solution
For our standard Linux platform solution, we have selected the following open source backoffice technologies and office productivity tools.

18 Price obtained from reseller (freesoftwarecdr.com).
19 Price obtained from reseller (freesoftwarecdr.com).
20 Figure obtained from netcraft.com.

NB: As Linux is generally taken to be immune from viruses in general, and from Windows viruses specifically, we have not added any virusscanning software to this list.

Linux Platform Enterprise Solution
For our enterprise level Linux solution, we have selected the following open source backoffice technologies and office productivity tools. The primary difference between the Enterprise Linux solution and the standard one is the incorporation of an ongoing support contract with the Linux vendor. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux solution is based on an annual subscription model and three (3) years' worth of annual subscriptions will need to be included in the cost.

NB: As Linux is generally taken to be immune from viruses in general, and from Windows viruses specifically, we have not added any virusscanning software to this list.

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